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Trout Lake Women's Club

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The Trout Lake Women's Club is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization located in Trout Lake, Michigan.  The club was created by long time residents of Trout Lake to be of service to the community, promote fundraising for community projects, provide an opportunity for community activities, provide scholarship funds for community students, and promote fun and fellowship among its members.


The Club typically meets at least once a month for various activities at the Trout Lake Township Hall.  Our activities include:  Strawberry Socials, Quilting, and Pie Socials


Membership is open to all women of Trout Lake Township and the surrounding area who are interested in spending time with a fun group of women and supporting the club activities.  Dues are $1.00 per year.


For more information or to become a member, please contact Deb Newland, at (906) 569-3768

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Scheduled Events

Strawberry Social

July 2nd

Township Hall

All Welcome


Pie Social & Raffle

Labor Day Weekend

Township Hall

All Welcome

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